Chyrle La Vonne Vermilya



Chyrle La Vonne Vermilya
Chyrle La Vonne Vermilya

Chyrle Vermilya passed away peacefully June 13, 2018, after a short battle with late-stage melanoma (skin cancer) with her husband Jim and sons David and Tim by her side.

Chyrle lived everyday by the motto on her favorite colorful t-shirts, “Life is Good.” With a beaming smile and youthful energy, she made all around her feel special and loved.
For a young girl who grew up riding horses in Lake Elsinore, she fell in love with life on the coast by age 20. This is where she met, married and started a family with the love of her life, Jim Vermilya. They loved to travel, exploring cultures and faraway places and continued these adventures with their young sons. As a family they climbed the pyramids of the Yucatan, spent hours on empty warm beaches in Hawaii and Mexico and skied all over California and Utah with friends. Chyrle spent many hours watching and photographing her “boys” surfing at home and around the world. The Vermilya family adventures continued with traveling and time well spent with her grandchildren.

An academic student with an early career in aerospace as an executive assistant at McDonnell Douglas in the space program, Chyrle loved to work. While she held other interesting administrative and business positions over the years, her recent bookkeeping role working with her boys was her most cherished.

Chyrle was ever present on her favorite beach, Three Arch Bay, on the tennis courts and her beloved exercise classes. She never slowed down, making lifetime friendships and involved in her community to the end. She does not leave this world wanting for more. She laughed, lived, and loved life the way she desired, always surrounded by family and friends, always giving more than she asked.

Her beach chair may be empty in person, but her presence and lasting impression will glow like the beautiful nightly sunsets she enjoyed.
To know her was a gift…

Chyrle leaves behind her loving husband David “Jim” Vermilya of 54 years and her proudest accomplishments, her devoted sons, David and Tim Vermilya, their beautiful wives and four adoring grandchildren, Matthew, James, Olivia, and Nathan Vermilya.

A celebration of life will be this Saturday, July 14, from 3-5 p.m. at the the Three Arch Bay Clubhouse.

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  1. Jim and sons, I wasn’t close to Chyrle but always admired your family. I live in Texas now but was so sad to read of cheyrl’s passing. Too young!! God bless you and the boys. Should say men. ???


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