‘D’ Grade for Summer Trolley Service


This summer’s trolley service is an insult to visitors and residents. It is hard to believe the transit department is under the supervision of the public works director and assistant city manager.

There is no trolley service to North Laguna to and from the bus depot. Imagine you have parked and paid at city lot #16 and #17 in Laguna Canyon and are taking a trolley to the bus depot and want to go to the northside galleries, antique stores, beaches, parks, restaurants and the art museum. To get there, you must walk to Laguna Avenue to catch the short coastal trolley north. If you are staying at a northside hotel and want to leave your car behind and travel to the three festivals by trolley, you can take the short trolley south to Main Beach park, cross Coast Highway, walk south to Laguna Avenue and catch the long coastal trolley to the bus depot, or walk to the bus depot and catch a trolley to the festivals. Northside merchants should call City Council members and demand trolley service form the depot.

Trolley and bus departure and arrival areas are constantly changed, leaving visitors and residents in the dark. No “trolley stewards” seem to be on duty which adds to the confusion. There are people waiting every day on the bench in front of the Hotel Laguna, which has been a trolley, city bus and OCTA stop for decades. A permanent sign needs to be installed telling riders the stop has been moved 300 feet north to Main Beach. The trolley routes are very confusing for residents and visitors. Speaker systems on many trolleys are broken, which means drivers must speak with each person boarding and make certain the trolley is going where they think it was going.

Trolley drivers will tell you that this summer’s trolley service is one of the most mismanaged in history.

Roger Carter, Laguna Beach

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  1. A strong second to Roger’s grade “D” for this year’sp trolley service. As a North Laguna resident and dedicated trolley supporter/user, I have been forced to used “Lyft” to get from the festival home a night due to lack of north bound trollies from the depot. Why should north end taxpayers be subsidizing visitors as far south as the Ritz Cartlon when we don’t have decent service in our end of town? Whoever is making the routing decisions must not live in this town.


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