Letter: Transparency is Needed on School Board


We, the undersigned, are adding our names to the growing number of people who are concerned about the rulings of the Laguna Beach School Board, a non-partisan elected board supported, in part, by our tax dollars. They have denied one member the normal progression of becoming board president, as we believed the bylaws had stated. Their latest action was forming a subcommittee with the intent of making board decisions while excluding this same member. Why is this not against the Brown Act? Because there is very little transparency, we are grappling with how and why we have come to this point. This seems unethical at the very least.

That member, Ms. Dee Perry, was legally elected in this last election, with the second highest number of votes. She has a constituency of nearly 4,000 voters, who will now be unrepresented in some closed session discussions.

This is not good government, and we hope the School Board will reverse their decision to form this exclusive subcommittee, and most importantly, be transparent.

Anne Frank

Johanna Felder

Verna Rollinger

Kate Clark

Lisa Morrice

Laura Wantz

Ann Quilter

Eva Hodjera

Norm Grossman

Sue Linder

Vicki Borthwick

Joan Collins

Bonnie & Arnold Hano

Sally Rapuano

Ann Christoph


Trudy Josephson, Laguna Beach

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  1. “That member, Ms. Dee Perry, was legally elected in this last election, with the second highest number of votes. She has a constituency of nearly 4,000 voters, who will now be unrepresented in some closed session discussions.”

    Distorting the truth is a common practice in contemporary America. It leads to frequent nodding in agreement, particularly among Leftist heads.

    “Truth never lost ground by enquiry. The most dangerous untruths are truths moderately distorted.” – William Penn

    Four thousands voters will NOT be “unrepresented” inasmuch as every school board member represents every parent and every child in Laguna Beach. It is their fiduciary duty to do just that. Please get your facts straight before trying to distort and misrepresent.


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