Assistance League Offers Sartorial Relief



From left, Evonne Kane, Christine Montonna, Lynne Vihlene, and Rick Scott will collaborate on helping outfit the homeless with proper attire for the workplace.
From left, Evonne Kane, Christine Montonna, Lynne Vihlene, and Rick Scott will collaborate on helping outfit the homeless with proper attire for the workplace.

The Assistance League of Laguna Beach, which operates the Turnabout Thrift shop to help support their various programs, recently solidified a commitment to provide sartorial aid to the Friendship Shelter, for both their signature shelter for homeless citizens transitioning into the workforce and for the Alternate Sleeping Location for the homeless that they manage on Laguna Canyon Road.

Laguna Beach resident and new member of the Assistance League’s philanthropy committee Christine Montonna said that she stepped up when committee chair Judy Solakes asked for a volunteer to investigate the clothing needs of the homeless community and how they might better accommodate them regularly. In the past the League helped out by providing clothing on an as-needed basis.

Now, they have a system in place. Friendship Shelter’s program director Mark Miller and Rick Scott, who runs the ASL, will keep the League informed about the clothing needs of their patrons and outfit Friendship Shelter residents for their job interviews. The residents complete a form identifying their needs and then arrangements can be made for them to “shop” at the thrift store during the off hours.

“We are all very aware of the need, and we want to assist in filling it,” said Montonna, adding that being able to help the Friendship Shelter in such a meaningful way, has been “a really rewarding experience.”

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