

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Opinion: Village Matters

Know Laguna, Love It More By Ann Christoph We know Laguna, right? That’s what I thought. After living here for over 50 years, I should know all the neighborhoods...

Opinion: In a worried world, signs of a pushback 

By Russ Gerber Soon after departing Houston International Airport, we hit severe turbulence. The pilot came on to warn that because we had to pass...

Opinion: OC Supervisor Katrina Foley’s April update

Updated to reflect the correct number of permanent supportive housing units that the County voted to fund. - Ed. Women’s History Month, Sober Living Homes,...

Opinion: Wisdom Workout

Spring Cleaning By Susan McNeal Velasquez Attics and basements were a staple of most houses on the East Coast, where I was brought up. The attic...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Fresh Faces Ahh, I don’t think I’m the right guy to write about that. I’m old. My face is older. How’s that possible, you ask?...

Opinion: On the can in Japan

By Billy Fried I'm high over the Pacific, returning home from a three-week visit to Japan with my daughter. It was my first time back in 41...

Opinion: This is where we live

Hop on the Trolley Tour During Heritage Month By Hunter Fuentes and Jon Stordahl May is Heritage Month in Laguna. A free trolley tour of architecturally...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Emanual By Mark D. Crantz I envisioned my later years to be one of coasting. Ah, you know, retirement, a period of time when you aren’t...

Opinion: Musings On The Coast

Blue Moon      For maybe six months, I had been dating the woman who was to become the love of my life. It was New Year's...

Opinion: Green Light 

Earth Day 1970 and 2024  Earth Day. It’s my favorite societal event. Even though it’s not a government-sanctioned national holiday, it should be. What other...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Here We Go Again By Mark D. Crantz City Council delays Promenade Project. Here we go again using that dreaded word. Delay. Let’s say it again,...

Opinion: Dear Susi Q

Celebrating Our Volunteers By Lynette Brasfield  When I considered retiring, I researched potential volunteering opportunities. I’m not good with children, feared that I’d want to take...

Opinion: Welcome home KXRN, Laguna’s community radio

Back during the holidays, I wrote a Christmas column saying I only wanted our beloved little radio station to survive. It was struggling due...

Opinion: Concerning City Council

By Michèle Monda Laguna's City Council majority's lack of transparency has long been an expensive problem for residents. Now, once again, thanks to Mayor Sue...

Opinion: Wisdom Workout

Wishing, Hoping and Longing for Love As the winter season comes to a close, the anticipation of spring is in the air. Sunny days and...