Club Calendar


City Manager Speaks to Taxpayers Group

Laguna’s City Manager John Pietig is the guest speaker Tuesday, May 24, of the Laguna Beach Taxpayers Association, which convenes at 11:30 a.m. for its annual meeting at the Aliso Creek Inn.


“We are looking forward to his presentation and the discussion  of the many issues now confronting Laguna Beach and its future, including the proposed purchase of additional open space,” said member Sandy Hovanesian.


The cost of the luncheon is $40. RSVP by mailing your check to P.O. Box 404, Laguna Beach, CA 92652.  For more information call 949 376-5135.


Legion Installs its Officers


Front row, from left; Jean Law, Diane Connell, Bill Sandlin, Toni Abbod and Sandi Werthe; back row, Bob McIntosh, Dave Connell, Don Hurlbut, Frank Daniel, Richard Moore, Norm Abbod and Dean Petersen.

American Legion Laguna Beach Post 222 and the ladies Auxiliary last week installed the post officers to serve during the 2011/2012 year.


District 29 Vice Commander Bill Sandlin assisted with the installation. Frank Daniel will serve again as commander with Bob McIntosh, first vice commander; Dave Connell, second vice commander; Richard Moore adjutant-treasurer; Don Hurlbut, sergeant at arms; Norm Abbod, chaplain; Dean Petersen, judge advocate and Dave Connell, Jr., past commander.


For the Auxiliary, Diane Connell, president; Sandi Werthe, vice president; Jean Law, secretary-treasurer; Elizabeth Tomlin, chaplain; and Toni Abbod, sergeant at arms.












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