Colleges Prospect for a Freshman Class


Over 90 representatives from California and out-of-state two- and four-year colleges, universities, test prep companies, and specialty colleges plan to woo Laguna Beach High School students on Oct. 5.

The highly anticipated College Round-Up, 7-8:30 p.m. in the high school’s North Gym, helps students and their families learn about college majors, dorm life, and other information as students consider their post-graduation choices.

“This is a great opportunity for students to speak directly to college representatives. It is also an opportunity for all grades, not just seniors. It’s never too early to begin the process,” said Principal Joanne Culverhouse.

Representatives from the Laguna Beach High School Scholarship Foundation (LBHSSF) will also be available to answer questions. The scholarship application process begins in January for this year’s seniors.

Last June, graduating seniors were awarded scholarships totaling over $300,000. “These local scholarships represent the generosity of our donors. They recognize the talents, creativity, academic strength and potential for growth in the individual student,” said LBHSSF President Kerry Rubel.

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