Controlling Hedge Height Also Proves a Fiasco



Regarding Mr. Leo’s thoughtful letter (Aug. 12) discussing the complexity and costs associated with the hedge ordinance.

More than 20 years ago a large group of citizens concerned with the loss of Laguna’s once beautiful and unique view sheds on both private and public lands researched and wrote a proposed fair, effective, economical, and city enforced view and safety preservation ordinance.

The proposed ordinance was prepared after years of research of what other cities up and down or coast and even inland areas like Lake Tahoe had tried to do. The proposed ordinance was submitted to the city for evaluation and hopefully for adoption. However, a vocal influential group who opposed views and safety fought against the proposed safety and view preservation ordinance.  The struggle to save Laguna’s public and private view sheds continued on and off for years and finally concluded with a costly and ineffective view ordinance.

Incidentally, many years ago during one of the frequent meeting with city officials, one of the City Council members came up with a partial solution involving the overgrown hedges throughout town that were also obstructing view sheds.  He stated we already have a fence ordinance that the city can easily enforce. That existing ordnance among other things limits the height of a fence.  He rightly observed that since vegetation along property lines that in effect are a fence they should be limited the same heights limitations as any other fence.

This was a simple city enforced solution that created no costs to anyone, except the person who intentionally or carelessly grew view obstructing hedges.  However certain view opposing groups and bureaucrats destroyed this simple and legal solution and turned it into an unneeded, costly and ineffective special hedge ordinance. Now the hedge ordinance is almost as costly, complex, and ineffective  as the current pitiful view preservation ordinance.

Dave Connell, Laguna Beach


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