Diving Into an Underwater Jewel Box

A sample from Beverly Factor’s new book.
A sample from Beverly Factor’s new book.

Local resident Beverly Factor’s luscious underwater photos debut in her newest book, “Seaduction, the Sensuous Side of the Sea.”

Factor captures nature’s complexity with images that display patterns textures and movement.

The 176-page, $60 coffee table book’s forward is written by Jean-Michael Cousteau and is available on her website.




Local Author Receives Acclaim for Debut Novel

Suzanne Redfearn
Suzanne Redfearn

Suzanne Redfearn’s “Hush Little Baby” was one of seven nominees by the magazine RT Reviews for best mainstream fiction of the year.

The magazine also called the novel a “top pick” and gave it its highest ranking, 4 ½ stars.  Target stores has honored “Hush Little Baby” by choosing it for their Emerging Author’s Program and as one of its Target Recommends choices.

Publisher’s Weekly gave the novel rave 2.2 write stuff redfearn.hushlittlebaby.trreviews and Kirkus Reviews wrote: “A compelling tale of deceit, violation and anguish that undergird the myth of suburbia.”  Foreign rights for the book have been sold to four European countries.

In addition to being an author, Redfearn is an architect and she and her husband own the Lumberyard Restaurant in Laguna Beach.



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