Drafters of Short-term Rental Rules Invite Feedback


To affirm transparency of a subcommittee established to structure a law governing short-term rentals, Mayor Steve Dicterow called for an open meeting to air concerns and suggestions at 4 p.m., Tuesday, June 21, in the City Council Chambers.

“There have been accusations that deals will be made,” Dicterow said in an interview Wednesday, adding that the complaints were made both publicly and in private. Dicterow and council member Bob Whalen comprise the subcommittee drafting the proposed ordinance.

With the exception of a dissenting vote by council member Rob ZurSchmiede, the council rejected a proposed ordinance in April that would have prohibited short-term rentals in single-family neighborhoods and instead voted to consider making them legal and drafting rigorous regulations.

Dicterow hopes the meeting will draw a capacity crowd to discuss the controversial issue. Another meeting is scheduled for July 14 at the Susi Q Community Center. A third meeting might also be necessary to hammer out the fine points of a draft ordinance before it is considered by the council, he said.

A finalized draft must be completed by the end of July to ensure that a new law takes effect prior to Oct. 1, when a moratorium on short-term rental permits expires, Dicterow said. The moratorium was imposed in May, 2015.

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