Goat Lady Returns to Nepal

Students in Top of the World School in Nepal.

Former Laguna Beach resident Rosalind Russell departs on Dec. 7 for Nepal, where she will deliver dozens of pregnant goats to rural village women, giving them a chance to earn money to improve their lives.

Because of Russell and her R Star Foundation’s goat-giving project, over 3,000 Nepali women, are now able to pay for medicine, food and tuition and uniforms enabling their children to go to school. With the gift of goats, women are able to sell the offspring, raising their families’ standard of living along with their own self-esteem and status within their family and village. Since each village that receives goats is required to pass along the same number to another village within two years, Russell’s program has spread exponentially to over 40 villages over the last nine years.

Next month, Russell will add five more villages. Along with the goat giving project, Russell, and her director in Nepal, Rabindra Sitaula, built a school in Sitaula’s birth village. Previously, the children had to walk two hours to the nearest government school and many parents refused to send their children to school because of dangers en route.

Prior to departing, Russell is still seeking donations of cash and electronics, such as Kindles for school children, tablet computers, and cell phones to “catch them up to this century,” she said. Voltage convertors are also needed.

For the women, who spend hours working outside in Nepal’s frigid weather, “Silk thermal underwear of all sizes …. and cashmere sweaters in good repair will bless the women,” Russell said.

Russell, who recently received a $20,000 grant from Impact Giving, a collective giving group started by Laguna Beach women, is also soliciting mileage points, corporate connections and any good fundraising ideas. If you are interesting in donating, call Russell at 949.497.4911 or contact her via her website: www.RStarFoundation.org and a pickup will be arranged.

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