Golf Cart Hides But Doesn’t Solve Homelessness



Did your reporter take time to talk with any of the people who are now going to get their free ride to somewhere each morning (wherever somewhere is) to get even a single chapter of those life stories? Imagine how they got here and what they dream of for their future?

Hauling these people off the sand seems like an easy fix to keep the reality of homelessness and mental disorders from shocking our senses and staining our view of paradise. It doesn’t however, do anything to bring resolution to the lives of these, our real if without address, neighbors.

For an example of a successful model, research the efforts and the life changing results of Salt Lake City, which switched to creating resolution 10 years ago.

Laguna, with it’s abundance of physical and financial resources, surely we can do better than to pretend life isn’t messy and drive this part of ourselves away in a polite and appropriate golf cart!


Ray Meltvedt, San Clemente

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