Guilds’ Bet a Win for Center

Marty Olds, left, and Amy Larson, of Laguna Beach, co-chaired this year’s Spring Celebration.
Marty Olds, left, and Amy Larson, of Laguna Beach, co-chaired this year’s Spring Celebration.

The Guilds of Segerstrom Center for the Arts held its second Spring Celebration: Bet on the Wheels on Saturday, April 12, and raised $250,000 in support of the center’s education and community engagement programs.

Special honorees were Eve and Mike Ruffatto. Guilds Chair Marilyn McCorkle explained, “Just as the roulette wheels turned for our lucky winners, the money we raised will help to keep the wheels of school buses turning, bringing children from around Orange County to performances at the Center, and the wheels of the Center’s teaching artists driving to schools and community events. It all keeps the arts alive and well in the lives of our children, making a significant difference in their educational experiences and performance.”

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