Laguna Creek Sustains a Connection to Nature



As a kid growing up in Chicago the only nearby waterway was the infamous Chicago River, a dirty, polluted river that despite sometimes flowing with raw sewage still supported fish, turtles and other wildlife. At about 10 years of age I discovered an unspoiled creek in Wisconsin. With frogs and trout swimming in the deeper pools this was a “Huck Finn” experience for me. Ever since I’ve been fascinated and awed by creeks, streams, rivers and riparian habitat. These habitats are special, both for their natural beauty and for their ability to sustain a variety of wildlife and native plants. The sound of water flowing along a creek, like the sound of ocean waves, can clear your mind and gives an immediate connection to Mother Nature.

After reading (“Plans Brewing to Improve Laguna Creek,” Feb. 24 edition), I called Bob Borthwick and told him I supported this project and would help in any way I could to return Laguna Creek to a more natural state. After all Laguna Creek created the route into Laguna Beach over many thousands of years.  It may take a long time, but what if we could return the natural beauty of this waterway for all to enjoy?

Wouldn’t that be amazing?

George Weiss, Laguna Beach





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