Letter: Flag Etiquette Tossed Aside by Some at Council Meeting


Regarding the Indy’s April 17 article on the controversy over the new red, white, and blue logo design of Laguna Beach police patrol cars, I feel compelled to comment.

The article states that some members of the public, attending this meeting wore “American flags draped around their shoulders.” If one truly has respect for the flag of the United States, one should also be familiar with flag etiquette as stated in the U.S. Flag Code (passed by Congress in 1942).

Along with other items in this joint resolution, it is stated that the flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.

And for those who continuously fly the U.S. flag from their homes and businesses, please remember that the flag is only to be displayed from sunrise to sunset. If displayed at night, the flag is to be illuminated. Proper etiquette also includes not displaying the flag on days of inclement weather (unfortunately no one seems to remember this, and flags grow ragged from standing through rain and wind).

It’s a slippery slope from patriotism to jingoism, and members of the community attending this Council meeting dressed up in their red, white and blue regalia might pause to consider whether their actions respectfully honor our country’s flag.

Irene Bowie, Laguna Niguel

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