Letter: Local Political Parties Unite for Ukraine


My wife and I were tempted to crash the Patriot’s Day Parade and march with “Free Ukraine” signs, but grand-parenting duties sidelined our 1960s style protest plans. All for the best since we had a great time on a beautifully blustery day, and besides two local political party organizations called for a local rally to support Ukraine the next day.

We applaud the bipartisan demonstration of support for the world-wide movement calling on Russia to restore rule of law and democracy and respect the sovereignty of Ukraine. In my own view, the world community must demand no less than withdrawal and war crime reparations by Russia.

Putin’s refusal to compete for regional influence without violating the U.N. Charter and international law is a return to the reckless endangerment of humanity through anachronistic imperialism and colonialism, carried out in our time by means of high-tech mass murder.

Putin’s resort to the brutality of Stalinism is an act of weakness not strength, confirming his inability to secure an alliance with Ukraine though political and economic measures. This violent attack on democratic self-determination in some respects is not unlike what Saddam Hussein tried to do to Kuwait.

This should unite all Americans and all nations in defense of Ukraine. As someone who years ago now became a registered “no party preference” independent voter in Laguna Beach, I support the decision by local Republican and Democrat parties to join in a bipartisan demonstration of solidarity and freedom for Ukraine in our home town last Sunday.

I hope that can lead to greater unity not only on this but other issues as well.

Howard Hills, Laguna Beach

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