Letter: Ray Keeps Blowing Toxic Fumes


Just when we voted Peter Blake out of office and with it, we thought, Blake’s abusive conduct, Michael Ray is determined to keep blowing toxic fumes.

Without any evidence, Ray uses his platform once again to attack his perpetual scapegoat, Village Laguna, and worse yet, sitting Council member, George Weiss, as in his opinion, somehow implicated in the fouling of the City Manager’s house. 

Ray’s longstanding personal animosity toward Village Laguna is galloping directly toward libel. It is time for The Indy to stop this nonsense and suggest that Ray limit his bloviating to embarrassing recollections of bad speeches he’s given.

On the matter of the current city manager, rather than trot out the usual targets of his invective, I recommend that Ray query Councilman Mark Orgill about what the councilman learned over the previous three years from longtime current and former city employees, residents and business people about this city manager’s qualifications, decision-making, leadership and management skills. 

It does not speak well of the current city manager that there have been so many instances of conflict and concern; her predecessor was almost invisible to residents. He did his job as all such professionals should. He in no way became an issue, nor did he seek to become known as anything other than the person who managed at the direction of the council. And let’s not forget that it was Peter Blake who cast the deciding vote to hire her.

Better yet, rather than spend our taxpayer dollars on outside legal advice over a “$20 dollar traffic ticket,” let me suggest that the council direct the city manager to stop wasting time in city council meetings complaining about individuals who register their concerns about city administration. That is how government works. This kind of unprofessional behavior should be considered by the council during the city manager’s next performance review. I see much to be concerned about.

Kiku Terasaki, Laguna Beach

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  1. Kiku Terasaki, our city manager has not made herself an issue. Her critics have. They have been relentless in blaming her for everything that goes wrong and nothing that goes right. It’s a toxic atmosphere, but not of her own making.

  2. Thanks, Kiku!

    Interesting that the Indy consistently refuses to edit Mr. Ray’s bloviating columns as it will do with other columnists.

    Even worse, given the public’s many requests for why Mr. Ray’s even has a column, the Indy consistently refuses to justify it.

    With so much rancor in town, why does the Indy continue to foster it and fan the flames of divisiveness? Is that what the Indy is looking to promote?

  3. Come, come now Mr. Quilter. The CM gives sweetheart deals on parking. The CM is in charge of that through her directors. Why was the CM in a panic the purchase the Ti Amo property with what I understand was an over the top bid with no appraisal. Property that is now declared surplus? And who with your full throated and endorsement brought forth a Memorandum of Understanding negotiated by the CM and Peter Blake to give away millions of our money to lease airspace from the Presbyterian Church for a parking structure that will gain 92 spaces, give the church a subterranean 42 space parking structure complete with storage room and an elevator and after 50 years the city, that is we the people, will have nothing to show for all of the risk and maintenance while the Church ends up with a $50 to 60 million dollar structure?

    So you can see with just these issues the residents have a right to question her competency. And this does not even get into the issue of her management style.


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