Letter: Response to Armando Baez


I write in response to Armando Baez’s letter regarding Blake’s Behavior—I am for civility—so I find it odd that a member of Village Laguna should chide Mr. Blake for civility when for years Village Laguna members would protest/yell when the city tried to remove dead and dying trees, even be disruptive at city hall meetings. Or, how about listing homes on the Historical List without letting the homeowner know about that and now we have many legal issues as a result. Also, over the years the issue of view blockage—so many people have had to file suits at city hall to rectify this travesty. I have been personally insulted by several Village Laguna members over the years, especially at city council meetings and I have written about that. I am sure there are readers of this column can who can add to this.

The second letter I would like to address—the utility undergrounding. Look at the devastation caused by recent storms across the country. Unlike many countries in Europe that have gone underground, their citizens are not stuck without power for weeks as they are here in States. That doesn’t mean you forget about solar power, but at least everyone is guaranteed power. And, of course it is not always 100% sunny so that wound still require power source. What about hospitals, street lights, etc. The writer offers what appears a simple solution that really does not solve the problem. The ongoing need to replace power poles takes trees, time, chemicals, and effort. What does that do to the environment I ask? Obviously, I think much more understanding of the situation is important. I joined a group in my neighborhood in mid-90’s to go underground and yes it cost me more money than I anticipated but I feel so relieved knowing that no power pole could fall on my house, my car or me and of course—nor would I have to wait to have power restored as soon as…

Ganka Brown, Laguna Beach

Editor’s Note: This letter appeared in the April 2 edition of the Independent.

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