Messy Church returns with changes to family-friendly activities


Messy Church, the intergenerational, interactive program held at Laguna Beach United Methodist Church returning in a modified format from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 25.

The gathering will be held outside the church and registration is required. Barbara Crowley, who leads Messy Church, asks that if you are even thinking about coming on Sunday, please contact her at [email protected]. Each family will have its own work/play station, which will be six to 10 feet from other attendees. Masks and RSVPs are required and there will be designated paths of movement. There will not be the usual dinner.

However, there will be activities and crafts as well as a joyful spiritual exploration of how to turn the well-known seven vices (pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth) into the seven heavenly virtues (chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness and humility). Brooke Briggs, family ministries director at LBUMC, will lead the group in musical activities.

“If you and your family are looking to ‘get out,’ see people and do something uplifting, come play next Sunday,” Crowley said.

Participants will receive more detailed information about Messy Church’s safe practices, instructions and a link to register.

Laguna Beach UMC is located at 21632 Wesley Drive. Future dates for Messy Church are Nov. 15, when an Advent Wreath will be assembled, and Dec. 6, when attendees will create Christmas crafts.

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