Orange County Closes Bars, Limits Restaurants to Take-Out and Delivery

Downtown Laguna Beach. File Photo

Orange County on Tuesday banned public and private gatherings, including at places of work, that are not deemed essential through March 31 to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Orange County Health Officer Nichole Quick offered exemptions to a lengthy list for “gatherings that involve essential activities.” During these functions, attendees should maintain six-feet of social distancing with others, except for family members.

The exempted businesses include government agencies, hospitals, grocery stores, food banks, convenience stores, banks, news organizations, homeless shelters, schools, shipping businesses, laundromats, child daycare facilities, transportation providers, and many others.

“All bars and other establishments that serve alcohol, and do not serve food, shall close consistent with guidance provided by the California Department of Public Health,” Quick wrote in the order.

In recent days, state officials recommended that restaurants limit their operations to take-out and delivery. Many restaurants and cafes in Laguna Beach announced earlier Tuesday that they planned to voluntarily close in the wake of reports from other California cities and counties bans on public gatherings.

This story is developing and will be updated.

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  1. The latest information (press releases, etc.) on the Orange County Health Care Agency website is the 3/17 2:26 pm advisory that “all public and private gatherings of any number of people are prohibited”. Daniel Langhorne: What is your source for the statement Tuesday night that this “is NOT an order to shelter-in-place/lockdown”?!

  2. Just when you think Crazy California can’t possibly get any crazier, it does. This craziness must make the Environmental Crazies ecstatic! Nobody driving cars to work. All entertainment travel cancelled. Airports closed. Environmental Wacko Nirvana! This is what the country would be if Bernie Sanders were elected.

    In the 2017-2018 flu season, there were 80,000 fatalities. This Covid Panic has taken 200 lives so shut down America. Welcome to Democrat Fear and Panic. It’s all they know.


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