Prepping for Disaster


September is National Disaster Preparedness month and the city of Laguna Beach urges residents to register their contact information with AlertOC, the regional mass notification system, police said in an announcement.

Emergencies that can happen at any time can close a road while residents are away from home. In these instances, AlertOC is a critical link for residents to immediately learn of any required actions.

All Laguna Beach home phone numbers are already preregistered with the program.  Citizens wishing to add their cell phones, work phones, email addresses, and TDD/TTY devices to the system can do so by logging into

On Sept. 20, at 10 a.m., Laguna Beach will be participating in a regional test designed to test the ability of the system to reach both residents and businesses. The AlertOC regional test is estimated to reach 2 million county residents.

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