School Board Seeks Input on Live-Streaming Meetings


The Laguna Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) Board of Education recently announced that it is seeking community input to determine whether there is continued interest in live-streaming LBUSD Board of Education meetings. The district is also exploring other potential options to access board meeting information.

The Board of Education has provided live-stream access to board meetings on the district website since January 2016, according to LBUSD officials. Recently, the district received information that its live-streaming did not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) because it did not provide simultaneous closed-captioning.

District officials said they are able to add closed-captioning to recorded meetings at no cost; however, the cost to simultaneously closed-cation each live-streamed meeting is an expense to the district’s general fund.

The existing methods of accessing board meeting information include:

Community input will be gathered using Thought Exchange, an online discussion platform that allows participants to anonymously share thoughts on the topic and rate thoughts shared by others. To access the exchange in English, visit To access the exchange in Spanish, visit

The exchange will remain open until Monday, June 17, at 8 p.m. Participants can return to the exchange to share or rate thoughts anytime during that period.

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