Seniors Test Their Poise in Mock Interviews


Laguna Beach High School seniors recently participated in mock interviews to prepare and present themselves for college or work situations.

2 Mock Interviews for LB Indy
Senior Armando Delgado undergoes a mock interview with instructional aide Dori Bunting in the high school library to help prepare for similar real-world situations.

District staff and community volunteers participated as interviewers, who were given guidelines and suggested questions for the interviews, which took about seven minutes, said LBHS Transition Services Coordinator Corey Brown.

“This activity is a great opportunity for our senior students to present themselves and all the accomplishments and experiences that they have gained up to this point in life,” said Brown. “Many of our students have solid work and community experiences and also amazing life stories that make them unique.”

Each student was required to develop a resume in their English class and district staff visited with each classroom to discuss effective interviewing strategies.

After each interview, interviewers filled out a feedback form designed to help students improve their interview skills.

“I personally believe that it is important that our students think about how they are perceived through the eyes of someone who does not know them,” said Special Education and Student Services Director Irene White, who pointed out the value of written feedback about a handshake, posture and eye contact, appropriateness of appearance, effectiveness of communication and preparedness.


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