What Short-Term Rentals Cost Us



In defense of short-term rentals, economics was the debated issue on both sides, not loneliness. The following economic rebuttal argument, presented by the anti-short term rental resident /activists of Laguna Beach, was compelling enough to persuade our City Council to ban short term rentals, unanimously:

  1. Protect and expand our long-term rental inventory, which is vital to sustain and invigorate the community to attract residents committed to the long-term interests of Laguna Beach.
  2. Protect home values. Real estate disclosure forms require sellers to disclose nearby economic activities (short term rentals) resulting in an estimated valuation loss of 2% or more to the property owner.
  3. At least 16 Laguna Beach elderly long-term rental residents were reported “evicted” because absentee landlords want to maximize profits by converting to the lucrative short-term economic model. Relocation of the elderly to more affordable housing in Laguna poses an impossible task.
  4. Property owners of condos reported  “quality of life” issues as absentee neighbors converted to short-term rentals. Noise, partying, and a constant stream of strangers created a negative living environment for resident property owners, who had invested their life savings to purchase an apartment.
  5. Property owners of homes in quiet neighborhoods expressed similar “quality of life” complaints and safety issues regarding an invasion of strangers as well.

Neighbors have been pitted against “absentee” property owners and investors with a profit motive at great cost to the community as a whole.

In summary, loneliness is a serious life issue that many elderly can solve with volunteer work or by long-term leasing an empty bedroom to a student at the (Laguna College of Art & Design) or by offering a room to let to the elderly in dire need of affordable long-term housing.

Let’s make Laguna a better place to live for all.

Pat Chatlin, Laguna Beach


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