Step Up the Pressure to Ban Short-Term Rentals Permanently



The subject of short-term rentals is not going away.

A letter in last week’s paper by Greg Burzzell stated, “The moratorium on acceptance of applications will be lifted at the end of October.

This is a monumental incorrect statement. The city council could in fact vote to extend the ban or make it final and permanent. I hope they do! This is an issue that has not been settled and to suggest that the ban will be lifted is to engage in pure Orwellian double talk.

Anyone who believes short-term rentals should be banned must step up the fight to make it so.

The Home Sharing 4 Laguna group wants it otherwise. Mostly what they will be sharing with the rest of us is the disturbance to our otherwise quiet neighborhoods caused by loud parties at 2 a.m., parking problems and trash. I don’t want my neighborhood turned into a motel zone.

The city council had it right when they passed the ban as recommended by planning, and they should stick to their guns.

David Milton, Laguna Beach

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