Twice a month students and staff at El Morro and Top of the World elementary schools can savor lunches freshly barbequed at their respective school sites.
Lunch choices include a grass-fed beef hamburger or a protein veggie burger on a whole-grain bun served with milk, fresh fruit and salad from the schools’ salad bars.
Grilled burgers have prompted TOW teacher Linda Barker to rechristen the school cafeteria as, “Lunch At The Top Cafe.” She says grill days are so popular, teachers mark them on their calendars.
The burgers served are antibiotic and hormone-free, according to a district announcement. Ingredients in the protein veggie burgers include fresh vegetables, mozzarella, sunflower seeds and egg and meet the protein requirement for a meat alternative lunch.
Choices from the salad bars include fresh, seasonal, sustainably grown organic produce from local produce companies, according to district Nutrition Services Director Debra Appel. “The twice monthly BBQ’s add a bit of fun to the school day. Students get excited when they smell the burgers sizzling on the grill. It’s like Fourth of July without the fireworks.”