Wanted: A Few Good Republicans



It’s time for rank and file Republicans to stand up to the bullies in their party.  Starting with the president, who insists the media is the enemy of the people, followed by Laguna’s own, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who claims constituents requesting town hall meetings are the enemies of democracy, I beg you to rise up and say enough is enough.

For the good of the nation and your party, please exercise your civic responsibility before it is too late.

Reporters trying to get answers to stories are not America’s enemies, nor are our neighbors who have legitimate questions they want to ask their elected representative.

Democracy never is easy.  You have to work at it to perfect this union of ours.

Labeling anyone who disagrees with political leaders as enemies not only is wrong headed, it is unAmerican.


Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach


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  1. Stop lying, Friedenrich. President Trump said “Fake NEWS is the enemy of the people,” not “the media,” as you intentionally lied above.

    The Democratic Party has been laid bare for its reprehensible, even criminal actions. It should be prosecuted under the RICO Act.

    What is UNAmerican is Democrat divisiveness, dishonesty, promotion of socialism, the welfare state, and the destruction of this once great republic. Leftists like you and Irwin Chemerinsky are just two outspoken promoters of UNAmerican actions. Disgraceful of you. Simply disgraceful.

  2. America is not founded on having consensus on all issues or on Collectivism. We value the individual, which is made clear by the emphasis on Liberty in our founding documents. Liberty means you own you. And you certainly have the right, both legal and moral, to call an enemy by its name.

    Those who place the welfare of illegal foreign intruders of the best interests of the citizens of this nation are obviously treasonous. And to call such people enemies is appropriate. And to do so while embracing President Trump’s emphasis on “America First” is hardly “un-American” nor is it anti-Democratic.

    I would agree that Democracy is never easy. But we must be careful not to take a good thing too far. And when the Democracy becomes the tyranny of mob rule, well that is a problem.

    Fake News is in fact the enemy of the people, during this Administration as it was in prior administration. Whether covering for the corruption and incompetence of prior leaders, or obsessively engaging in propaganda to paint this leader as a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobe (a stock Liberal accusation of those who see the world differently) Fake News must be called out and called by its name. And this is one of the reasons why Trump won the Presidency and could likely win again, when the time comes. He says what the majority of people are thinking, but often don’t know how to articulate or otherwise fear the consequences.

    The Republican Party is on the upswing. It has become something of a Populist movement and it’s catching on with the younger generation, who are tired of being manipulated and talked down to. I predict that America is in the process of experiencing a hard swing to the Right and I welcome it.

    And if you value diversity of ideas, free speech and individual Liberty, then the Republican Party welcomes you.


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