Labels Undercut Town’s Legacy of Dissent



Last week Billy Fried in his column entitled “E Pluribas Unum,” attributed “hate filled racists rants” to one of our presidential nominees, adding that there was “no room” in our “fragile world” for such “intolerance.”

Laguna Beach is a special place in large part because we respect the beliefs and opinions of everyone, even those with whom we disagree.

But lately I’ve noticed that some of our more “liberal” leaning friends are not so “tolerant” when it comes to dissenting opinion.

The candidate that I support is outspoken about protecting the safety and livelihood of all American citizens first.

What’s wrong with that?  Isn’t that why we hire these people?

When you observe the conduct of those running the show in Washington, D.C., and Sacramento now, you really have to ask has common sense gone completely out the window? Are they working for us, or for our adversaries?

As Americans, we all come from immigrants and we love people from other countries and want to share opportunity and help those in need when we can.

But we must really have our heads in the sand if we actually believe that everything that comes across our border is a bouquet of sweet smelling fresh roses with a card attached that says “I love America.”

And, whether we choose to admit it or not, we are at war. Our enemies know that and will exploit our naiveté.

The printing presses in Washington, D.C., are working around the clock creating new dollars to continue the expansion of the massive welfare state that we now have, fueling much of the immigration we see today.

Our grandparents certainly did not have that when they came over here from wherever.

Who will help us when that bubble bursts?

If you disagree with the platform of any of the candidates for office that’s fine; no one is going to force you to vote for them.

But to brand them as “hate filled racists” insults the intelligence of and causes you to loose credibility with your readers here in town who might very well support that particular candidate.


Steven Klumb, Laguna Beach



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