Too Much of a Good Thing



What else can the Arts Commission screw up?  The Arts Commission loves to fill up every space in town. Or is it the council?

When I was in the Arts Commission, the council would overrule all the Arts Commission recommendations and made their own tasteful decisions.  Of course when you are in power then you can make art decisions. That’s a given!

Fill up every vacant space with art! That is now the rule.

Case in point: the beautiful brick wall on Mermaid St. has now got little square windows every 10 or 15 feet breaking up what was a continuous flow of beauty. I suppose the Arts Commission said,  “wow” a big brick wall. Let’s have a competition and decorate it!

It seem indicative of the city and Arts Commission to so call “decorate” the city with art! My thoughts are that it titillates those in power and nothing else.  No one at the city believes in simplicity of art.

Give me a break. I can’t wait to see what tasteful screw up is next.

Jim Lashley, Laguna Beach

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