Letter: In Response to Wyland Surfboard Painting


In the case of the Robert Wyland Surfboard donation, A good deed does not go unpunished.  I understand from the letter that this is only one of Wyland’s many charitable activities. Unfortunately, Laguna Beach resident Gary Stewart had to call him out for what he has not done, about global warming.

It was interesting that Gary sent an email instead of having a conversation with Wyland. Perhaps he could have offered to help lend a hand with a global warming awareness project? Instead, Stewart demanded that Wyland join in endorsing the carbon tax that “so many others” in Laguna have supported. This letter was nothing but a shakedown and disrespectful to a person who has spent a lifetime locally making a real difference in the community.

I don’t know Wyland but I would like to thank him for investing in Laguna and giving back to others, out of the goodness of his heart. May I suggest to Stewart and others that if you would like to make a difference, start with yourself and your community.

If global warming is your main concern, you can make a difference personally. A few suggestions are to plant a garden, ride public transport, buy products made locally and encourage your friends and family to do the same. These actions would have immediate results, and create a more positive environment than a threatening letter to the editor.

Ruth Noring, South Laguna

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