Letter: Let’s Hear it for the Zero Trash Pick Up Days


Back in 2007, Chip McDermott started Zero Trash Laguna, inspiring many people to be regularly involved in neighborhood clean ups. Greg and I immediately signed up for cleaning the beach between Cleo and Mountain Streets. This past year has seen another such initiative be launched by our forward thinking City Council with the proposed Neighborhood and Environmental Plan to reduce plastics, increase numbers of trash bins, trash pick-ups and placement of water bottle-filling stations.

That plan makes us feel exceptionally good about the goals of our elected officials. It also makes us want to share the daily good feeling we experience, and others can too, in being a part of this effort. This past COVID-19 year has seen a huge increase in the plastic toys, bags, bottles, bottle caps, wraps and teeny plastic particles left on the beach that the ocean both swallows and spits out. Of course, town gutters, sidewalks and planted areas also receive the same casual discards. Picking up pieces of trash that turtles might choke on or fish might ingest makes us feel good. Further reward comes from people passing by who frequently give sweet and effusive thanks for such pick up efforts which both help the environment and improve their walking visuals.

With all the increased stress from the omnipresent COVID-19 challenges, who can’t benefit from experiencing more feel good moments especially when enjoying the outdoors walking and hiking.

Barbara and Greg MacGillivray

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  1. Oh Barb, you honor me! You and Greg carried the mantle long before ZeroTrash, for sure!
    Thanks for the love. We had so many stalwart supporters taking little patches around their neighborhood and beach. And I always enjoyed working with all of you from El Ranchito and ThAlia Surf Shop!

    ZeroTrash is still with you! She’s just in need of a good yearly monetary sponsor!

    Love to all our Laguna friends and neighbors. We’ll be back!
    Chip, SōL, Isabel & June McDermott


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