Volunteers Keep Pantry Humming



In the past, I’ve expressed gratitude to local markets, organizations and individuals who have supported the Laguna Food Pantry.  Because of them, our non-profit has been able to provide free groceries to many families and individuals dealing with economic hardship.

But today I’d like to thank another group, the dedicated volunteers who work so hard to keep our refrigerators and shelves filled for friends, neighbors and strangers. Seven days a week, they are either picking up and delivering food in their own vehicles or unloading, cleaning, sorting and stocking the tons of donations our friends at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and Pavilions give us. All the while, they are gracious to our visitors, treating them with the warmth and dignity they deserve.

Some of the volunteers are our shoppers who offered to stay to help. Others are our homeless neighbors, grateful for an opportunity to feel useful and give back. And quite a few are donors and residents who simply wanted to participate in a worthwhile cause.  However they found their way to our door, we are deeply thankful they did.

Andy Siegenfeld, chair, Laguna Food Pantry



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