Sticking it to Taxpayers Again



Regarding the news item that a group wants us to pay for more open space for them (“Campaign Starts for Open Space Tax,” April 22). It is outrageous that a group of well-off environmental extremists want to stick the rest of us with a tax increase to satisfy their own goals.

We have paid for years for the green space around Laguna that they forced on us years ago. A nice scenic space for the people in the Saddleback Valley to view and use without paying a cent and a huge costly fire and flood hazard for us.

I suggest that if this group wants to own these parcels of land, that they collect the money from their own gang and buy the land themselves, not force the rest of us to pay for their desires. It is totally illogical to buy the lots in question. Obviously the land is open now so why buy it since they should already be happy? If someone owns a piece of that open land that is buildable and wants to build on it, that’s fine since someone gets a home, we get a new neighbor, the government gets more tax money, working people get jobs, and the ever present fire danger is diminished a little.

The last thing the average person in Laguna needs is a tax increase. Gasoline prices are going out of sight, utilities costs are increasing, working people are losing jobs or getting less paid hours, food and clothing costs are increasing, and if the oil prices stay this high or go higher the cost of everything will increase dramatically.  It is totally irresponsible for people to propose any form of tax and or fee increase at any time, even for things we need;  but it’s even more irresponsible in these difficult times to buy something not really needed at all.

Please don’t sign their self-serving initiative and don’t vote for it.  If the rich want it, let them buy it with their own money.  Notice that the money they want to collect from us is by the lot, not by the value of the assessed property. Nice for some and bad for others since richest property owner in Laguna won’t have to pay any more than the poorest property owner.


Dave Connell, Laguna Beach


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