Big Sunday is a Big Success

Interfaith Council member Daga Krackowizer collects donations on behalf of the Laguna Food Pantry.Photo by Jackie Riegel
Interfaith Council member Daga Krackowizer collects donations on behalf of the Laguna Food Pantry.Photo by Jackie Riegel

Big Sunday, a national weekend of community service sponsored by the Laguna Beach Interfaith Council, netted 2,500 lbs. of donated food items and $1,000 in donations for the Laguna Food Pantry.

“The Interfaith Council’s mission is to assist our community’s less fortunate, and pantry donations were a direct way to help. We are grateful to our volunteers and organizers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, St. Mary’s Episcopal, Neighborhood Congregational, St. Catherine’s of Siena, Laguna Presbyterian, Laguna Beach United Methodist, and the Christian Science Church,” said Sally Barron, coordinator of the event.

Volunteers collected donations outside markets. The need is substantial. Every weekday, Laguna Food Pantry distributes 2,500 pounds of free, fresh groceries to shoppers from low-income households in the area. Among those households, 20 percent of the consumers of the Pantry food are babies and children.

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