

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

letters to the editor

Re: Give People Choices

I wish to respond to the letter sent in by Mr. Jaeger, brief though it was. To begin with a sideways swipe at the...
letters to the editor

Letter: What’s Past is Prologue

Trust and integrity are fragile things. They are the glue of life. Once lost, they can be difficult to regain. Mo Honarkar is a...
letters to the editor

Letter: Proposed Pavilion Would Be an Eyesore

I am writing to express my total dismay at the proposed pavilion-style art installation for the Village Entrance Project. This proposal in no way...
letters to the editor

Letter: County’s Neglect Threats Lives

Inaction by the Orange County Board of Supervisors will result in infection, sickness and death from COVID-19 for many county residents including innocent children....
letters to the editor

Letter: A Lack of “Common Sense: Bad Facts Make Bad Law”

It is discouraging that the Laguna Beach Independent has become a mouthpiece for right-wing lack of common sense in a time that we need...
letters to the editor

Letter: In Defense of Ruben Flores

Journalistic integrity was disappointingly lacking in Sept. 4 article regarding Ruben Flores. What a reach to attempt to smear the name of a long-time...
letters to the editor

Letter: Duty to Inform

My beloved father-in-law suffered as he lay dying in the emergency room of Saddleback hospital. He had had a massive stroke and there was...

Legalize Golf Carts by Lowering Speed Limits

Editor, Laguna Beach is an ideally suited community for non-polluting electric vehicles like electric golf carts. The vehicle code's 25 MPH (or less) speed zone...
letters to the editor

Letter: Laguna Tourism Marketing

A young man wrote a letter to the editor in the Oct. 16, 2020 Laguna Beach Independent lamenting there was very little for young...
letters to the editor

Letter: A Family’s History at Coast Inn

The Coast Inn, as you may know, is up in front of City Council once again. The Coast Inn is on South Coast Highway and...
letters to the editor

Letter: Vision for Laguna Needs Better Execution

We surmise that tourists primarily visit Laguna for its beautiful nature. Residents enjoy living here for the same reason and have accepted that if...
letters to the editor

Letter: You Can’t Restore What Is Lost

I read with excitement the letter in the Indy from the self-described “Young Minds.” When I first came to Laguna many years ago, I...
letters to the editor

Letter: Farewell to Maro

We are disappointed to learn of the sudden end of not only local Mariano Molteni’s friendly, family-run restaurant, Royal Hawaiian, this July 31, but...
letters to the editor

Letter: Concerning BLM Columns

The two columns concerning Black Lives Matter highlight the importance of research. Millions of Americans have participated in typically peaceful protests in support of...
letters to the editor

Letter: All Pain and No Gain

As the Coast Inn development heads toward another City Council hearing on Tuesday, July 28, many residents continue to be baffled by why a...