

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Opinion: The Day Everything Changed

By Denny Freidenrich Former President Barack Obama was too young to remember the watershed event, but I’m sure if you ask Joe Biden, Donald Trump,...

Guest Column: A Road Map for Improving Downtown Parking, Traffic

By Tom Williams As a business owner, there are two issues I hear about every day of my life. They are parking and praffic. Constantly I...

Taking Stock

Global Bargains Stocks pushed through the prevailing anxieties to end July with a 2% gain. That put them ahead 10% for the year so far....

Wisdom Workout: Paradox

Have you noticed that if you attempt to care deeply about everyone and everything, you end up stretched so thin that you become brittle,...

Pet Peeves: Grieving for Plastic

By Mark D. Crantz   Laguna Beach.  Another perfect day in Paradise, but now plastic bags are outlawed.  Oh no! Although we were forewarned almost a...

Opinion: Finding Meaning

Observing Holy Week Beginning Sunday, Laguna churches will observe Holy Week, the culmination of the mortal life of Jesus Christ. Priests and pastors will stand...

Taking Stock

Double Or Bubble? Four years ago in March 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average bottomed out at 6,547 and the S&P 500 at 677. They...

Taking Stock

Round And Round It Goes Round and round it goes, and where it stops the Chairwoman knows. Wall Street is intensely waiting for the next...

Career Change

By Angela Breslow   It was just a few days until Christmas. Motherhood had been tough for Kristen. Matthew was a colicky baby, and he had...


The Apples and the Tree Pop, the kids can’t go to the game with you on Sunday Because there’s a rehearsal for a church play And they...

Pet Peeves

Acquaintances I’ve been silent long enough. My wife and I have waited patiently to hear back from the Pageant of the Masters. We anticipated being...

Pet Peeves

Wedding Bells Thank goodness I wasn’t invited. I read in the Indy that the first couple married in a civil ceremony by Laguna Beach’s city...

Village Matters: They’re Disposable

Ours is a town of causes and we’re often asked to contribute, sometimes by buying a chance on a raffle.  This time my friend...

Taking Stock

Here Comes June, Here Comes The Economy The economy contracted during the first quarter. The Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, which accurately predicted this disappointing first...

Opinion: This is where we live – the process

By Hunter Fuentes and Jon Stordahl  We’ve all heard tales about lucky people who accidentally stumble across a buried treasure. In 1991, a man purchased...