

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

letters to the editor

Letter Round-Up: Support for Blue City Network

Certifying Laguna Beach as Ocean Friendly This article about Rich German certifying cities as ocean-friendly is really amazing and it will be great for this...

Plaza Vote Reflects a Collective Effort

It was exciting to watch our city decide March 27 to make our first downtown public plaza a permanent reality. After fans of the...

Thank you, Sawdust Winter Fantasy

  Editor, I was privileged to participate in the Winter Fantasy this past weekend.  This event was for military wives from Camp Pendleton and patients from...
letters to the editor

Letter: What Happened to Inclusive and Progressive Laguna?

It is amazing how many Nasty, Negative, NIMBYs, or "NNNs," Laguna Beach has. For a city that claims to be inclusive and progressive, it...

Christoph’s Plantings Ignore Current Sentiment

Editor, As a professional landscape architect, Ann Christoph, the designer of the slope surrounding the high school baseball field, knew the eucalyptus and California oaks were a...

Letter: We are the City’s Money Tree

Editor: Here’s one more reason to oppose the city’s proposed 12.9 percent sales tax increase in November. Look at the City Council’s approval last week...
letters to the editor

Letter: Promenade Parking Impact

There is concern that Laguna Beach will lose 47 parking places on Forest Avenue when the Promenade replaces the street. Yes, 47 places will...


The article “Dance Fest Leaps Into Spring” in the April 6 edition misidentified the company where festival directed Jodie Gates danced. She is a...

Why Not Slow Down?

Editor, As a frequent visitor to Laguna Beach, I'm wondering why residents don't insist on an enforced slower speed limit through town. I have stayed...
letters to the editor

Letter: Trolley Saga Continues

After a meeting with Shohreh Dupuis and Paula Faust of Public Works, I was confident we pinpointed the biggest hurdle that was in the...

High Praise for Clinic’s Symposium

Editor, My hardiest praise to the Laguna Beach Community Clinic and its new medical director, Dr. Jorge Rubal, for the excellent symposium on Navigating Mortality...
letters to the editor

Letter: City Made Right Decision with St. Catherine’s

All of our skepticism about the city purchasing the St. Catherine property was removed after taking a very informative tour of this site led...

Why Not a Vote?

Editor, I’ve been reading the letters-to-the-editor some for and many against the village entrance project.  I’m wondering who the project will really benefit most? Surely...
letters to the editor

Letter: Setting The Record Straight For The Laguna Residents First Ballot Initiative

Unfortunately, Dan Rosenthal’s recent column citing problems with the Laguna Residents ballot initiative leaves a lot out of the narrative. Including that the City...

Whalen’s Electioneering Bids for GOP Voters

Editor, As Election Day approaches and with absentee voters already casting their ballots, I strongly urge all Laguna Beach residents to vote in the non-partisan...