Brazilian documentary filmmaker Laura Papa’s current project is titled “Dear Cesar.” It is the story of her great uncle, the artist Cesar Papa, who lived in Laguna Beach from 1986 to 1989. His work evolved from botanic and abstract oils on canvas to huge and exotic jungle-themed pencil drawings, rich in details. Boyd/Sherrel, Internal Idol, Élan Gallery and other gallerists hosted some of his exhibitions and sold many of his paintings during that time.
Notes left on the back of pictures and letters he sent to family members have allowed his great niece to retrace Cesar Papa’s steps from Recife, Los Angeles, San Francisco and now Laguna Beach. She has collected almost 800 documents that tell numerous stories about the artist’s life and his time in Laguna at the Boom Boom Room, the former Diane Nelson Gallery and the Laguna Art Museum.
Before the filmmaker moves on to Hawaii, China and Thailand, she’s hoping to hear from anyone in Laguna who knew her great uncle and would like to share stores about him. She can be reached at The project can be viewed on Instagram: @dear.cesar. More information is available on her website:
Watercolorist David Solomon Honored
Over 100 guests including watercolorist David Solomon’s family, friends and long-time art patrons, recently gathered at Forest & Ocean Gallery to celebrate the launch of the book “David Solomon: 50 Years an Artist.” The book, written by his daughter Gaylen Solomon Corbett, is a tribute to her father’s life and work and includes photos and stories from his travels around Laguna and the world from 1969-2019. For more information, call 949-201-6301 or visit
Chamber Singers Receive FOA Grant
The Festival of Arts Foundation has awarded the Laguna Beach Chamber Singers a $1,000 grant. The nonprofit performs a spring and a holiday concert every year. They blend historic and anecdotal context into their performances, accomplishing their mission to entertain and educate. The concerts’ eclectic repertoire ranges from classical to contemporary, popular to obscure. The Chamber Singers place an emphasis on reviving the classics, resurfacing great yet forgotten pieces, and introducing new compositions. They are looking for new singers to join their choir by audition. Visit www.lagunabeachchambersinger.orgfor more information.