Laguna Beach Family Resource Center to Host Grand Opening Oct. 18


Center to be resource hub dedicated to building LBUSD family engagement 

A family walks into the new Laguna Beach Family Resource Center, recently remodeled by Laguna Unified School District. Photo/LBUSD

The Laguna Beach Unified School District (LBUSD), in collaboration with SchoolPower, will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Oct. 18 from 4 to 6 p.m. to mark the grand opening of the Laguna Beach Family Resource Center (FRC). 

The center is slated to be a resource hub to build LBUSD family engagement through community activities, confidential counseling and support services for student success.

“The grand opening of the Laguna Beach Family Resource Center marks the beginning of a new chapter of student and family support services in our community,” LBUSD Superintendent Jason Viloria said. “This center is not just a building. It is a symbol of our collective commitment to nurturing the limitless potential of our students and a celebration of the spirit of collaboration and compassion that defines our Laguna Beach community.”

The ribbon cutting will give families and community partners an opportunity to visit the remodeled space while previewing the programs and support services offered. 

From early education to career prep, the FRC will be a safe, welcoming place for LBUSD families to get the support they need to ensure student success, the district said.

“SchoolPower has been proud to partner closely with LBUSD during the creation of the Family Resource Center and will continue to support its programs and services, including the Parenting Book Club, small group workshops and direct support for families,” SchoolPower Executive Director Sarah Durand said. “One day, we hope it will become as natural as calling a friend to contact the FRC when you have a question, big or small, about navigating parenthood in Laguna Beach.”

Located at 733 St. Ann’s Drive, overlooking Guyer Field at Laguna Beach High School, the district funded most of the center remodel with support from SchoolPower donors. The new space features private offices and a comfortable gathering space for small groups. 

“By offering parents the resources they need—whether it’s access to mental health counseling, parenting workshops, or community outreach programs—we’re ensuring that our students come to school ready to learn,” LBUSD Board of Education President Jan Vickers said. “When families thrive, our schools thrive and our entire community reaps the benefits.”

The Laguna Beach FRC will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Visit for more information. 

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  1. The same people that have failed so miserably educating our students now want to deflect their failures to the Parents and Students with a learning center for parenting and counseling. REALLY????


    1. Lost over 500 students in the past 3 years
    2. One of the very last schools to get back to in-class learning
    3. Top paid teachers in the Country
    4. Top per capita spending on students in the State
    5. Reduced and limited merit based achievement classes
    6. Over $1 million dollars in Superintendent and Ass. Superintendent salaries for 2600 students
    7. Over 10% decline in academic achievement. 3x greater than surrounding school districts.

    LBUSD failures are glaringly quantifiable.

    Why should the citizens of Laguna Beach trust and Fund a center headed by such object failures?
    Parents have been pulling their children out of Laguna Beach schools in record numbers and all the negative data indicate why.
    The LBUSD job has always been to “EDUCATE” the students; yet: curriculum, science, math, english, writing, arts, music, athletics seems to always takes a distant backseat to these special funded self-congratulatory projects.
    The LBUSD and Superintendent will always project their virtue and caring with a “SPECIAL PROJECT” before being held accountable for their failures as educators.
    The LBUSD should start with focusing their resources on raising their “academic achievement” along with their “test scores” which will result in happy, motivated parents and students who want to stay.
    Leave the Parenting, Counseling, and Emotional Well-Being to the parents.
    Academics and curriculum needs to be LBUSD’s FULL-TIME job. That is what you are tasked with.
    We have the most beautiful schools on the planet, with the greatest abundance of resources; yet, we are failing our children miserably.
    It all starts with leadership. i.e Superintendent and School Board…..


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