Letter: Councilmembers Should Represent the People, Not Developers


I am writing to express my concern about the new city council member, Alex, who is only 25 years old. While I have no doubt that he is a bright and capable individual, I am concerned that he may be more inclined to represent the interests of a few land developers rather than the residents of our town.

 As you may know, our town does not have the resources to handle more than 6,500,000 tourists. We do not have sufficient water or services to accommodate this number of visitors, and it is essential that any new development be carefully considered and planned to avoid overloading our infrastructure.

 I believe that it is important for our City Councilmembers to represent the interests of the people and not just the special interests of a few developers. I urge Alex to prioritize our community’s needs and carefully consider the long-term effects of any development on our town and its residents. We do not need or want more hotels, bars, DUI’s, trash, or crime. Alex, you may have a bright future in leadership if you represent the majority of the people and not the special interests of a few developers.

Nancee Swensson, Laguna Beach

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  1. Obviously this person is in the minority if Alex won a seat on the council. Perhaps she should focus on ways to curtailing tourists or ways of generating more sources for water.

  2. Swensson believes, “Everyone who is elected or appointed to city positions is on the take from developers”. Can you please beat a different dead horse!

  3. Swensson believes, “Everyone who is elected or appointed to city positions is on the take from developers”.
    You forgot the part about it all being the city manager’s fault 🙂

  4. Actually, there are 12 of you who agree with each other and try to take the rest of the town hostage.

    The real Laguna does not agree with the outspoken dozen.

  5. Actually, Doug, it’s just the 10 of your friends that think development is needed to get more people here, but the fact is that Laguna has been attracting tourist for decades without the restaurants or the wine tasting shops that are here now. It’s the beaches and the art that attracts them, it’s the cool looking cottages and small shops that attract them.


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