Letter: FBI Arrest In Laguna Beach


In the Orange County Register, Garrett Gauvain’s attorney stated that “He’s dumbfounded… he’s just your Average Joe (AJ) who is conservative.”

OK, AJ’s working in a bar get into serious fights in their place of employment alleging they were defending a woman’s honor leading to their own arrest—begging the question why was he the one arrested, who was that woman and where is her deposition, testimony, or statement to the LBPD? Can he or his attorney provide proof of what actually happened, including did Gauvain escalate the situation instead of diffuse it?

AJ then two years later have the LBPD at their home for a domestic dispute, sounds like a repeat incident involving the same or maybe different woman? Several closely occurring incidences, violence against female-related behavior or coincidence?

AJ then flies all of the way back to Washington, D.C., in January, self-admittedly get tracked to within 40 to 60 feet of the Capitol steps, i.e., within the rioting mob itself. A violent mob, so he’s trending violent, isn’t he? Plus police can’t possible know to what extent he “participated,” a result of just good technical tracking methodology.

AJ then waits another two months post-Jan. 6 to take a temporary leave of absence, to “decompress and take a break from the extreme disappointment.” Which happens to be nearly four months after the election.

Am I the only one trying to keep straight face regarding Gauvain being an “Average Joe?”

Sounds like a man with middle age male issues, in need of some anger management education who is playing the whining victim. At least on paper, seeing his police blotter history and what happened in D.C., what he voluntarily participated in, seems probable cause for at least detention and investigation.

This isn’t fascism, this was national law enforcement trying to intervene, follow through on known information, not speculation. Would his community and neighbors rather have him (obviously on an ascending not descending physical confrontational arc) go postal, go over the edge or detained and interviewed for both his and public safety’s sake?

Between his quotes, those of his attorney, his proximity to three violent actions in a little over five years, any other AJs out there with the same history? Does he sound like an AJ to any actual real Average Joe out there?

Roger E. Bütow, Laguna Beach

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  1. I might have erred, I’ve been informed that a search of media archives reveals that the person arrested was there with a fellow female employee, but they worked at a different bar/restaurant? Mea culpa.
    That said, a man who identified himself as TOM DUGAN did post comment to the LB INDY online article claiming that he was the one struck, was sucker punched by an out of control drunken Gauvain.
    As Gauvain and NOT Dugan was arrested, I assume that it was the former not latter who the LBPD found culpable once the parties involved were questioned?
    Perhaps Gauvain’s attorney, a bound witness of the court who’d be held to perjurious standards, could edify us?
    Release her signed statement under penalty of perjury that includes the truth regarding the 3 violent incidents, including details about the domestic dispute call at Gauvain’s home?
    His attorney said Gauvain’s wife is outraged: Was it she who called the LBPD to come out a few years back?
    It does sound bizarre but not unprecedented these days: A perpetrator tries to allege that THEY are the victim, so Ms. Zeiter, you’re his legal counsel, wassup?
    Is your client 100% blameless, truly a victim in all 3 cases or?

  2. Butow – any idiot understands the confidentiality of an attorney/client relationship. Guess some idiots are just dumber than others. Careful where you tread, Butow, libel and defaming a person’s character is just a stone’s throw from your posts, here and elsewhere.


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