Letter: In Support of the Green New Deal


I’m a 20-year-old student from Ladera Ranch that is worried about the ongoing climate crisis taking place in the world. After reading extensively about the recent wildfires in our beautiful state and their connection to climate change, I’ve realized that we need to take drastic action to curb the effects of climate change.

Because of this, I support Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s resolution to create a House Select Committee for a Green New Deal in Congress. United Nations climate scientists tell us we have just 12 years to move our country off fossil fuels, to avoid catastrophic climate disaster. We need a Green New Deal to create millions of green jobs, move our country off fossil fuels, and protect working people of all backgrounds.

Congress members should support this resolution, and I hope that you can help motivate our local politicians and communities to support it, too.

Kyle Gray, Ladera Ranch

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  1. “Nations climate scientists tell us we have just 12 years to move our country off fossil fuels, to avoid catastrophic climate disaster“ Kyle do you remember when you were 10 and Al Gore said the North Pole will be destroyed in 5-7 years? Take a look at what’s going on in France now, environmentalism can go to far. When I was young we were all opposed to Ladera Ranch for killing open spaces, endangering gnat catchers and causing more traffic and congestion.

  2. The climate is definitely changing as it has for thousands of years. The arrogance to think “we” have anything to do with it is sad. “Crisis”? I think not. What are our children being taught in school to make them believe that Ocasio-Cortez’s is anything less than a lunatic is also sad. Where on earth will the trillions of dollars come from to support her and Bernie’s socialist ideas. As the late Margret Thatcher so appropriately said “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” I believe it was John Adams who said “If you are not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 35, you have no brain”. Perhaps a little harsh.

  3. Its funny how people forget that we live in a desert. Deserts are DRY. It barely rains in deserts….
    Climate Change does not create more fires. This is ridiculous. Humans create these fires. Human city planning or the lack thereof coupled with no regulations on the utilities have caused most of our fires.
    When studies have been done on our oldest trees; and tree rings, you can see that fires have been common, for hundreds and hundreds of years…
    We have been coming out of an Ice Age since the Younger Dryas 11000 years ago. Water levels will rise regardless of humans or human intervention… Clueless politicians such as Ocasio Cortez will do nothing to alleviate climate change.

    remember when Al gore predicted there would be no more polar ice and glaciers would cease to exist by 2013? LOL.

    And yet democrats continue to say that republicans push fear mongering.

    lets get real.

  4. Kyle thank you for your concern for the world and it’s people! Thank you for reaching for knowledge. And thank you for your youthful bright eyes that see the world to be cherished, not used and disposed of-there is NO Plan(et)B!

    Do not be deferred by any old goat on the hillsides or any of the old goats above who replied to you in such a condescending manner. Live on and love yourself and the planet-we will be the ones that will work with Mother Earth to have a shining future. YOU are the shinning future!


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