Letter: Thanks to city for widening Upper Bluebird Canyon Drive


Too often, the city receives many complaints about how different projects are conceived and implemented. We wish to thank the city for successfully widening the street in upper Bluebird Canyon Drive.

We have lived in the same house for 56 years. We have remained in our home because of the natural beauty and tranquility that the canyon provides to all of us who enjoy living here. When the street widening project was proposed, our first reaction was to question why it was necessary. We were worried that the project and the results would disrupt our precious environment.

We understand the importance of having a wide spot in the road to allow for the logistics needed during emergencies. Our compliments are mostly aimed at the construction company that was selected. Not only did they complete the project in record time, but they did it in a professional and non-intrusive manner. All of the workers performed with incredible efficiency. The flagmen kept traffic moving, and the work crews moved quickly and efficiently.

Every day, they did a complete cleanup of the area, thus cutting down on dust issues. We took particular note of the fact that the lead engineer on the project was on the job every day, all day long. He oversaw every phase of the project. Most important of all was the final product. They listened to the neighbors’ feedback by finishing the project in a way that aesthetically aligns with the feeling the canyon has to offer.

Dave & Pam Hagen, Laguna Beach

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  1. Widening Bluebird will only be good for those of us that like to walk it. Once two lanes going out with one coming in for the firetrucks, it will gridlock at the tennis court and we’re back to one lane out one lane in. I don’t think it’s going to help with an evacuation, hopeful we’ll never need it.


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