Misplaced Values



Only two of the 24 Orange County public school districts fell below the 92 to 94 percent “herd immunity” threshold required to prevent the spread of disease, according to the California Department of Public Health and OC Health Care Agency.  They were Capistrano Unified, and Laguna Beach Unified, with Laguna Beach at the bottom, 86.5%.  (“Law reduced low vaccination rates,” OC Register, May 16)

Laguna Beach is possessed with LGBT issues, beautification, arts and tourism, but the welfare of school children takes a back seat.  How disgraceful and disreputable of Laguna Beach residents and leaders.


John Jaeger, Irvine

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  1. Mr. Jaeger,
    Just curious, given your several letters of “concern” to our fair town, what is your motivation? Your petty grievances are not well explained. Oh, I get that graffiti bugs you, as do sidewalks with overgrown bushes. I will let you know that in my over fifty years in Laguna Beach and Irvine, I’ve seen both issues in both cities. As a Facilities Management professional, I would suggest that these things happen. Plants and trees grow and bored children (and adults) vandalize things. There is also always lead time to correct issues. There is also the issue of costs. In Laguna a lack of sidewalks is due to the age of Laguna Beach and the non-existence of master planning (thank you!), that is so boringly repetitive in your fair city. the issue of pruning is often a homeowner and not a city responsibility.
    As for the immunization records you are touting as an indication of our communities failing priorities, I say, find a real issue. It typically takes a minimum of two to three years for medical data to populate state and county records. Since the data you are referring too is two to three years old and the state law that recently changed has not updated the data set in county and state records, I suggest that your nit-picking of our city is really about something else.


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