Opinion: Wisdom Workout


The Best Is Yet to Come

Can you remember back to that time, somewhere around 14 or 15 years old, when a great expectation lived in your heart and mind about what your future would hold?

Love, romance, successes, adventure, freedom to express and to chart your own course were all contained within this secret sense that something tremendous was supposed to happen. Though innocent about the ways of the world, unskilled, awkward, unsure and without any experience, we were naturally receptive and open to the unknown.

When we were young, we were in a three-legged race with “not knowing” as our constant companion.

Fast forward to the present. Let’s assess the state of our own personal union; the partnership that we have fashioned between being competent at engineering our external stability and that inner intelligence that houses our hidden greatness. Intelligence that is seeded with eternal positive expectations.

As adolescents, the call of the creative, imaginative voice was strong and insistent, though in free form and not yet committed to external manifestations of relationships, careers and the acquiring and maintaining of possessions.

As your life unfolds, though you may be a success by world standards, is there an insistent discomfort lodged in your heart that surfaces when you contemplate the future? Are you restless and irritated with your present circumstances, for no apparent reason? Are you the first on the scene with the answer to almost every problem? Is it hard to please you, invite you, lead you blindfolded into new experiences or simply intrigue you enough to have you spontaneously laugh out loud?

In short, have you lost your magic? Have you misplaced the miraculous touchstone of knowing, deeply, though you have no hard evidence, that the best is yet to come?

Perhaps the time is now to wake up, before we wear out our current support systems through chronic lack of any vital signs of life emanating from our consistent, deadened, boring, genius of intellectual competence. Allow me to be the first to commend us all on our brilliant survival skills. They are so necessary in this changing, threatened and threatening atmosphere of domestic and global instability. Unfortunately, controlling our external environment is and has always been impossible.

Perhaps a more productive, rewarding use of the life energy allotted to us is to break out of our consistent, cemented perceptions in favor of seriously and studiously courting the favors of the unknown avenues that life still holds for us.
By stripping off the skins of the known, we can begin to wade in, or for those of us who are by temperament bold risk-takers, skinny dip, in the rejuvenating waters of the innocent, open expectation that life holds fullness and richness for anyone willing to take the plunge and elevate ‘not knowing’ to a sacred art.

As Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of Evolution’s End states: “Without intuition, we develop an intellect compulsively trying to compensate by engineering our environment and each other. This contributes to our living like ‘armed crustaceans eternally on the alert’ against a world we can’t trust.”

Susan is an author and local resident since 1986. She writes and produces personal development seminars on the topic of intuition. Learn more at beyondintellect.com

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