Retelling Art’s Role Saving Open Space

Diving into history in spring.     Photo by Jerry Burchfield
Diving into history in spring 1989, topic of a Historical Society talk on Tuesday, May 27.. Photo by Jerry Burchfield









Under the guise of honoring Orange County’s 100th year and the 150th anniversary of photography, Mark Chamberlain and Jerry Burchfield in 1989 erected a large photographic mural in Laguna Canyon. In truth, their underlying goal was to create a rallying point against the powerful forces that planned to urbanize the land.

Chamberlain discusses the brilliant subterfuge that proved a critical turning point in halting development of Laguna Canyon on Tuesday, May 27, at City Hall. (Chamberlain recapped events for Indy readers in two Laguna Home Companion stories in 2005. See the links for Tell Tale 1 and 2 at

The 7:30 p.m. Laguna Beach Historical Society program is open to the public and there is no charge. The proceedings will be videotaped and shown live on local Channel Cox 30 and 832.

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