St. Mary’s to host Indigenous peoples celebration

Rev. Mary Crist will help lead celebration of indigenous people at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Laguna Beach on Oct. 24. Courtesy of St. Mary’s

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Laguna Beach will host a special Holy Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. on Oct. 24 to welcome Indigenous people, and to give thanks for over 400 years of our history together in the Episcopal Church.

The celebrant and preacher for the enculturated Eucharist will be Rev. Mary Crist (Blackfeet), coordinator of Indigenous Theological Education for The Episcopal Church. Members of the First Women Gather around the Fire Talking Circles from many tribes and nations will present the lessons and offer songs. Singing Byrd (Mescalero Apache) and friends will also

offer prayers and sacred songs accompanied by Native drum. The service will begin with a Land Acknowledgement to honor the First People of the land Laguna Beach residents call home. All are welcome.

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