Views From 40 Years of Coastal Protection


In “Heroes of the Coast,” a series of 17 interviews recorded since 2004, the California Coastal Commission marks the 40th year of its establishment by voter initiative in 1972 to provide long-term protection for California’s 1,100-mile coastline.

The interviews can all be viewed online at www.heroesofthecoast.comas well as on YouTube.

The archive of oral histories includes over two hours with Peter Douglas, the commission’s controversial executive director. He died April 1 from cancer. It begins with an interview with Ellen Stern Harris, described as “the Mother of the Coastal Act” in Adelphia’s Santa Monica public access studio, said Janet Bridgers, co-founder and president of Earth Alert, which co-produced the series.

Post-production costs were covered by a grant from funds generated by sales of Whale Tail license plates. The interviews have also been distributed to 10 California coastal university libraries.

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