Columnist Responds to Reader’s Objections



I read Mr. Tyler response to my tongue-in-cheek column about Cuba.   To be specific, I knew and know about Cuba’s reputation.  The CIA’s website says this specifically:  trafficking in persons: current situation: Cuba is a source country for adults and children subjected to sex trafficking, and possibly forced labor; child prostitution and child sex tourism reportedly occurs in Cuba, while some Cubans are forced into prostitution abroad; allegations have been made of Cubans being subjected to forced labor at Cuban work missions abroad; the scope of trafficking within Cuba is difficult to gauge due to a dearth of independent reporting, but the Cuban government provided information on human trafficking for the first time in 2013.

In other words, the CIA has no real clue what is happening, it only “suspects.” Further, the culture of Cuba is highly protective (almost worshipful) of children and within Havana, there are many stories of people “disappearing,” who allegedly were trafficking in child porn or prostitution. Finally, the United States itself is “suspected” of

trafficking in child prostitution and forced labor, i.e., importing it. Kind of like drugs. We blame other countries for fullfilling the demand the U.S. creates.

The more interesting aspect of Cuba’s culture is the mix of DNA and what happens to a culture’s “sexuality” when no Judeo-Christian, or any religious sexual ethic has

been taught for two and a half generations. Go see yourself and then judge.

There are no children begging on the streets either and no real hunger.


Michael Ray, Laguna Beach

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