Democracy’s Wheels Finally Turn



After returning home from Santa Monica to Laguna Beach last Thursday evening, having attended the Coastal Commission hearing on The Ranch, I read with interest the letter submitted by “Balanced Bob” in your Letters section that same day.

After reading the words of an individual who chose to anonymously cast aspersions on Mark Christy and his Ranch supporters, I found it ironic that he ended up reinforcing the integrity of the very event I had just attended.

“Bob” had asked to “allow a legitimate debate to play out between a developer and the state agency” involved. That’s exactly what happened this week in Santa Monica.

“Bob” characterized the community’s interest as essentially driven by a cult of personality, emphasizing that The Ranch is not a “cause.” This insults the many citizen supporters who traveled Thursday, including Mayor Bob Whalen, City Manager John Pietig and three members of Laguna’s City Council, Kelly Boyd, Toni Iseman and Robert Zur Schmiede, all of whom testified in favor of The Ranch project and Mark Christy.

Was “the big, bad California Coastal Commission” {Bob’s words} apparently duped by Mark Christy in approving the project by a 9 to 1 vote? Were the commissioners simply influenced by Mr. Christy’s salesmanship, which “Bob” so envies? Or, did they instead make their decision based on the project’s merits, compelling enough that Commissioners seemed to question many of their own staff’s recommendations?

“Bob” further stated that “The Coastal Commission was there to hound the developers on the little things.”

Will “Bob” now claim that they did not do their job?

“Bob” also implied that since the Ranch is “not a charitable effort”, and instead a “moneymaking enterprise”, it’s not somehow deserving of local support.

I’m sure “Bob” prefers that someone else buy the property {ideally from out of town and unknown to locals}, cleans it up, makes innovative infrastructure improvements, and then simply donates it for open space, bike trails and camping facilities.

How dare Mr. Christy invest in this property, make responsible improvements and open it as a golf course, hotel and restaurant? How dare he imply his role in this property includes the cause of good stewardship?

I invite anonymous “Balanced Bob” to join me for lunch at The Ranch anytime. I’ll even buy.

Since charity is clearly “Bob’s” bias, how can he not accept?

Steve Reid, Laguna Beach

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